This event is only available as a pre-paid event with your MOTD registration.Welcome Dinner


Your Host(s): Snooter

Day Start Time Finish Time Cost Meeting Place People Limit MINIs Limit
Wednesday 6:00pm 8:00pm $35.00 for Adults / $25.00 for Kids 12 and under Rec. Hall Building at Fontana Village 375 none

Doors will open at 5:00 and Dinner will be served at 6:00pm. What says welcome more that BBQ while catching up with old friends you have not seen in a year and making new ones? If you are new to MOTD this year the welcome dinner is a great way to meet people and get their unsolicited opinions on what the "must do" events are at MOTD.

We cannot count the number of friends for life we have met at this dinner, or at least friends until Dragon Bingo on Friday night. Many a new friendship has been tested at bingo, lol.

Please Note: We cannot bring our own alcohol into the Rec Hall at anytime

Your Schedule (give or take a little)

Start Finish Activity
5:00pm Doors open. Cash Bar will be open as well
6:00pm 6:15pm MOTD Board Announcements
6:15pm 7:45pm Share Dinner with your fellow MINI Enthusiasts
Dinner Will Include:
Texas Dry Rub Beef Brisket or
Applewood Smoked Chicken (Pulled)
Potato Salad
Pit Baked Beanss
Tarragon Glazed Carrots
Bananna Pudding
Ice Tea, Coffee and Water
(there will be a limited amount of vegetarian pasta available upon request
This event is only available as a pre-paid event with your MOTD registration.

What better way to start off your MINIs on the Dragon experience than breaking bread with over 300 of your fellow MINI Enthusiasts.

Who Is Going?

There are currently 290 people signed up with 199 MINIs attending.

  1. Aaron Tipton
  2. adam popp
  3. Adam Tschann
  4. Adriana Chasalow
  5. Alan Coleman
  6. Alan Miller
  7. Alex Wilcox
  8. Alexander Escobar
  9. Alison Muschett
  10. Allan Chasalow
  11. Allen Keim
  12. Alyson Horton
  13. Amanda Rudd
  14. Amy Trimble
  15. Andrew Austin
  16. Andrew Ramsey
  17. Angie Badran
  18. Angie Alston
  19. Anita Potts
  20. ann mccoy
  21. Ashley Nicole
  22. Barbara Shadwell
  23. Barbie Marshall
  24. Barry Patascher
  25. bart cosart
  26. Becky Cadden
  27. Becky Kuchera
  28. Becky Roberts
  29. Ben Robson
  30. Beth Wesson
  31. Beth Quinn
  32. Betty Bowling
  33. Beverly Miller
  34. Billy Quinn
  35. Brandon Lewis
  36. Brandy Brown
  37. Brooke Weckmann
  38. Bruce Aalborg
  39. Bryan DuChene
  40. Caleb Velez
  41. Carl Davies
  42. Carl Kennell
  43. Carly Cvetan
  44. Carol Davis
  45. Carol Cruce
  46. Catherine Chopping
  47. Catherine Lerow
  48. Cathy Chapman
  49. Chad Roth
  50. Chad Brown
  51. Chris Bowling
  52. Chris French
  53. Chris Horton
  54. Christina Zaher
  55. Christopher Bastin
  56. Chuck Furgason
  57. Claudia Stallings
  58. Colin Squire
  59. Cooper Sabatini
  60. Crystal Self
  61. Cyndi BERGS
  62. Dale Nees
  64. Dan Phoenix
  65. Dan Henderson
  66. Dan Hagood
  67. Dana Walden
  68. Daniel Murphy
  69. Dave Adams
  70. David Roberts
  71. David Tostenson
  72. David Potts
  73. David Crawford
  74. Debbie Clements
  75. Debbie Murphy
  76. Debbie Jeffrey
  77. Debbie Neyman
  78. Deborah McNutt
  79. Declan Chopping
  80. Dennis Mitchell
  81. Diane Lindsay
  82. Don Roberts
  83. Don Smith
  84. Donna Smith
  85. Dusdee YAEMSIRI
  86. Eli Simmons
  87. Elizabeth Ramsey
  88. Emilie Brown
  89. Emmajean Graham
  90. Eric Davis
  91. Eric Wilson
  92. Evan Monzon
  93. Faye Maser
  94. Frances Ray
  95. Frederick Fisher
  96. Gayline McKinney
  97. George Ancheta
  98. Gerryann Overley
  99. Greg Hamilton
  100. Greg King
  101. Gregory Cornett
  102. Guy Maser
  103. Guy Trudel
  104. Haemish Edgerton
  105. Hannah Heitman
  106. Harold Gerwien
  107. Harry Madison
  108. Howie Rosenberg
  109. Isabelle Doty
  110. Jak Yaemsiri
  111. Jake Cvetan
  112. James Dowdy
  113. Janet Ford
  114. Janie Waits
  115. Jann Hamilton
  116. Jay Pecotte
  117. Jeannene Mironack
  118. Jeannie Tostenson
  119. Jeff Wright
  120. Jeff Goodman
  121. Jeff Edwards
  122. Jeremy Kuchera
  123. Jerry Hatcher
  124. Jim Dillman
  125. Jim Holewka
  126. Joan Chadwick
  127. Jodi Bergen
  128. Jodie Kennedy
  129. Joe Tapley
  130. John Valavane
  131. Jonathan Robson
  132. Julian Kilman
  133. Julie Madison
  134. Karl Trimble
  135. Karyn Tapley
  136. Kate Dewey
  137. Katherine Ransom
  138. Kathy Gobble
  139. Kathy Brasher
  140. Kathy Hanna
  141. Kaye Dowdy
  142. Kevin Whitney
  143. Kevin Lander
  144. Kevin Shaw
  145. Kiernan DuChene
  146. Kimberly Outlaw
  147. Kristin Burden
  148. Lane Rector
  149. Larry Perdue
  150. Laura Tipton
  151. Laura Henderson
  152. LeAnn Volesky
  153. Leanna Smith
  154. Lee Outlaw
  155. Lee Overley
  156. Leon Dixon
  157. Leroy Walden
  158. Linda Furgason
  159. Lisa Gaskins
  160. Lisa Hartsell
  161. Lori Bandi
  162. Lorri Saintcross
  163. Lory Williams Winford
  164. Lynda bendeer
  165. Lynne Crawford
  166. Lynne Campbell
  167. Marcus Bandi
  168. Marisa Englin
  169. mark waits
  170. Mark Wallenfang
  171. Mark Chopping
  172. Mark Shadwell
  173. Martha Betz
  174. Mary Bohm
  175. Mary O’Callaghan
  176. Mary Dixon
  177. Mary Lou Hightower
  178. Matt Culbertson
  179. Matthew Toombs
  180. Matthew Simmons
  181. Maureen Wallenfang
  182. Maurice Martin
  183. Melissa Bastin
  184. Melissa Cunningham
  185. Melissa Swetz
  186. Michael Schultz
  187. Michael Gaskins
  188. Michael Bouchie
  189. Michael Smith
  190. Michael Saintcross
  191. Michael Chapman
  192. Michelle Rosenberg
  193. Michelle Beal
  194. Michelle Winslow
  195. Mike Mironack
  196. Mike Gibson
  197. mike kohr
  198. Mike Baker
  199. Mitzy Dillman
  200. Montana Magnus
  201. Murphy Madison
  202. Nance Nadeau
  203. Nancy Gifford Carriere
  204. nicholas scalisi
  205. Nicholas Smith
  206. Nicole Tschann
  207. Norma Pecotte
  208. Olver Chopping
  209. Ozzie Irizarry II
  210. Paige Sessions
  211. Pam Perdue
  212. Pamela Toombs
  213. Pat Bradley
  214. Patrick Wysor
  215. Paul Petrella
  216. Paul Newton
  217. Peggy Dyer
  218. Peter Doty
  219. Philip Roberts
  220. Primitivo Davis
  221. Rachel Stanley
  222. Randall Kennedy
  223. rebecca cosart
  224. Renee Austin
  225. Rhonda Johnson
  226. Richard Betz
  227. Richard Culbertson
  228. Richard Davis
  229. Richard McNutt
  230. Rick Cadden
  231. Rik Krahn
  232. Rita Pruitt
  233. Rita Hatcher
  234. Rob Bohm
  236. Robert Ray
  237. Robert Dewey
  238. Robert Whitney
  239. Robert Alston
  240. Robin Patascher
  241. Robin Culbertson
  242. Ross Gobble
  243. Ross Cummins
  245. Ryan Winslow
  246. Ryan Pasterak
  247. Sakura Higa
  248. Sally King
  249. Sam Heitman
  250. Sandy Hagood
  251. Scott Phillips
  252. Scott Blaylock
  253. Scott Hiskes
  254. Sherri Hiskes
  255. Sonia Roberts
  256. Stanley Pickels
  257. Stephanie Robson
  258. Stephen King
  259. Steve Wright
  260. Steve Sessions
  261. Steven Smith
  262. Susan Kampen
  263. Susan Duffield
  264. Tammy Lander
  265. TeAh Phoenix
  266. Teddy Toney
  267. Terry Chadwick
  268. Terry Duffied
  269. Tim Hurst
  270. Tina Clements
  271. Todd Jeffrey
  272. Tommy Pruitt
  273. Toni Schultz
  274. Tracey Roth
  275. Trish Coleman
  276. Troy Wesson
  277. Veronica Nees
  278. Vivek Kini
  279. Vonda Moon
  280. Wanda Baker
  281. Wayne Wesson
  282. Whitney Hammons
  283. Wileen Aalborg
  284. William Connelly
  285. William Beckler
  286. William Hightower
  287. Woody Marshall
  288. Xiek Philips
  289. Zachary Cunningham
  290. Zavier Peterson