Sign up will open on 14th of February 2025. You must be registered and signed in to do so. Simply fill out any options that are required in the 'Sign Up' form and click the button. Your User/Screen name will be added to the list right away. If you want to remove your name from a drive then you can do this through your account page.
Day | Start Time | Finish Time | Cost | Meeting Place | People Limit | MINIs Limit |
Wednesday | 2:00pm | 4:00pm | Pre-Paid | Card Room in Rec. Hall at Fontana Village | none | none |
MOTD Registration will be once again be in the card room in the Rec. Hall
(to the left of the bar where the main dinners are held)
(Click HERE for Map).
Sign-ups are not required for this event, but they do help the organizers plan ahead to have the right amount of volunteers
and it will put the event in your overall schedule on your account page to help keep track of what you want to do.
There you will pick-up your name bade and lanyard
We will also be accepting food and money donations for the Graham County Food Pantry
There are currently 116 people signed up with 81 MINIs attending.